the game
Spinoza saw humanity between two concepts: passion and freedom . The following chart appeared in a class on Spinoza (taught by Metin Sarfati) in February 2020. In the 21st century, Humanity is searching for answers. I hope this chart helps guide the journey within. NB: Please do not expect to digest this chart quickly. Take your time to discover. 1. Notice that at the top of the circle the concept "passion" with the particular definition "whatever enslaves". For the purposes of understanding this chart, accept the fact that "enslavement" can be a consequence of "passion." 2. Notice that at bottom of the circle the concept "freedom" with the particular definition "discovery of consciousness." The more we understand the rules of the universe, the higher is our consciousness, the less we fear. 3. Notice the concepts immediately to the left & right of "passion." They are “decei...